Grocery Guides

Arrowroot – All You Need to Know | Instacart Guide to Fresh Produce

What is arrowroot?

Arrowroot is a starchy root vegetable similar to taro, yams, cassava, or sweet potatoes. The arrowroot is native to Central America, South America, and the West Indies, but is grown in tropical regions worldwide. Arrowroot can be found in its whole form or grounded into a powder.

The arrowroot plant that grows above ground can extend up to six feet in height. The edible portion of the plant is found in the roots. The roots themselves typically can grow up to 10 inches. Like a potato, the arrowroot has a textured, brown outer skin and a white flesh interior.

Arrowroot can be found in its whole form or grounded into a powder. Arrowroot powder is most notable for its easily-digested starch and is often used as a flour replacement for those with digestive issues.

Where did arrowroot originate from?

Although arrowroot is said to originate from Central to South America and is highly cultivated in the West Indies, you can find arrowroot in other tropical regions. Southeast Asia, South Africa, Australia, and even Florida in the United States grow and enjoy arrowroot as part of their diet and cuisine.

What is the nutritional value of arrowroot?

Like other vegetables high in starch, the arrowroot is high in carbs, but the root gem offers other beneficial nutrients. A one-cup serving of raw, chopped arrowroot yields around 78 calories and 16 grams of carbs. In this serving, you can find 5 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.

The arrowroot is high in folate (also known as vitamin B9), offering 102% of your daily value (DV). Folate is needed to produce white and red blood cells, transforms carbohydrates into energy, and is an essential vitamin during pregnancy and to help treat certain types of anemia. On top of this, arrowroot also provides 17% of your phosphorous DV, 15% of your iron DV, and 11% of your potassium DV.

Historically, arrowroot was used by ancient Mayans as an antidote for poison-tipped arrows and other medicinal benefits. While medicinal uses and benefits should always be discussed first with a medical provider, arrowroot is believed to help calm the stomach and reduce symptoms of diarrhea. Those with digestive issues find that arrowroot is more easily digestible than wheat flour due to its gluten-free nature. It is also said to aid in weight loss because its resistant starch and fiber properties leave you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.

How is arrowroot grown?

Arrowroot is most native to tropical environments, which is why warmer weather is preferred when growing arrowroot. Partial shade is best, but if you are growing arrowroot in a cooler climate, it will need more sun.

Arrowroot can grow up to six feet in height and spreads underground. Providing an adequate amount of space so your arrowroot has room to grow is ideal. Because arrowroot requires room to grow, planting indoors can be a challenge.

When is arrowroot in season?

Arrowroot typically is in season from the late fall to early spring. Arrowroot powder can be found on shelves of grocery stores or specialty markets year-round.

What should I look for when buying arrowroot?

When shopping for arrowroot in the fresh produce aisle, select arrowroot that is firm and free from imperfections or blemishes.

If you’re shopping for arrowroot powder, there are a few things to keep in mind. Arrowroot powder is commonly used in replacement of other starches or grains. Some arrowroot powder uses pure arrowroot, while others may mix in other flour substitutes. If you choose to use arrowroot powder because of food sensitives, allergies, or digestive issues, be sure to check the list of ingredients to ensure all ingredients fulfill any significant dietary restrictions.

If you are looking to have your groceries delivered, you can easily shop for arrowroot and more via the Instacart app. After adding a product to your cart, use the “Instructions” option to notify your Instacart shopper about any preferences or specific directions on how to choose the best products.

How to store arrowroot?

Whole arrowroot can be stored in a plastic bag in the fridge. Arrowroot will usually stay fresh for two weeks when stored properly.

Arrowroot powder should last 3-4 years when stored in an air-tight container kept out of direct sunlight. While commercially packaged arrowroot may not expire, it can lose its potency and effectiveness over time. As for all packaged items, see the packaging description for the “best used by” date. Shop for arrowroot powder.

How to tell if arrowroot is bad

Fresh, whole arrowroot at its best should be firm to the touch. If arrowroot has become soft or has a foul odor, discard the product.

Arrowroot powder does not necessarily expire or look spoiled in appearance, but it can lose its potency and effectiveness over time. As for all packaged items, review the packaging description for the “best used by” date.

What can I substitute for arrowroot?

If you use whole arrowroot, good substitutes are yams, taro, sweet potato, or cassava. All of these alternatives are root vegetables high in starch and similar in their genetic compounds.

You can substitute cornstarch, tapioca flour, potato starch, or rice flour if you are using arrowroot powder. All of these powders, including arrowroot, are gluten-free.

Where to buy arrowroot

Arrowroot can be found in grocery stores and specialty food stores. Whole, raw arrowroot will most likely be in the fresh produce aisle. Arrowroot powder can often be found in the baking aisle or wherever flour or cornstarch is shelved. You can also check the gluten-free section.

To make things easier, you can shop via the Instacart app. Instacart makes shopping convenient with their same-day delivery and pickup.



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