Grocery Guides

How to Enjoy Soju: A Drinking Guide for Beginners



Last Updated: Jun 2, 2022

Soju is a popular Korean alcoholic beverage that is taking the U.S. by storm. If you’re thinking about jumping on the bandwagon, here’s your crash course on how to fully enjoy soju.

If you’re not a soju expert yet, no worries. This guide and soju FAQ will tell you everything you need to know so you can start enjoying this tasty beverage.

Do you drink soju straight?

In most cases, the answer to this question is yes. Soju is best served in a chilled glass, neat. It’s typically served as a small pour that you’ll drink like a shot or sip on throughout a meal. Make sure to bring the bottle to the right temperature by placing it in the refrigerator for a few hours before you plan to drink it.

In the United States, people often sip soju with their meals, however, if you’re planning to visit Korea or drink soju in the company of Koreans, then you’ll want to learn how to drink soju in the traditional manner.

How to drink soju

When drinking soju, it can be fun to follow the traditional ritual, especially if you’re enjoying the beverage in Korea. If you’re just out with friends, you may find it interesting to practice the following traditional Korean social sharing ritual.

Pouring Soju, Korean Liquor

Step 1: Bottle opening ritual

Start with a perfectly chilled bottle of soju. Then, follow these 3 steps. 

1. Swirl the bottle 

Hold your soju bottle near the bottom with one hand and swirl it for 2 to 3 seconds. This helps distribute sediment.

2. Slap the bottom and remove the cap

Next, hold the bottle’s neck and use your other hand to firmly slap the bottom of the bottle a few times before removing the cap.

3. Jab the neck of the bottle

Finally, hold the lower part of the bottle and push the neck of the bottle between your index and middle fingers. This should be done with enough force to splash a bit of the soju out of the bottle.

Each of these steps was designed to mix the sediment inside the bottle. While modern soju has no sediment, people still keep the tradition alive, adding intention to the drink through ritual and using it to create a welcoming space.

Step 2: Pouring and drinking

Once the soju bottle is opened, you’ll want to follow the strict “rules” that make up soju’s pouring and drinking traditions.

1. The oldest person pours the first shot

This step is about showing respect. The server pours a shot for each person in the group but not their own glass. Only after the eldest in the group has served everyone else, someone else in the group will pour a shot for the server.

2. Use both hands when pouring and receiving your drink

Using both hands to hold both the bottle and your glass is another sign of respect. This is particularly important when serving your elders.

When someone is pouring your drink, use both hands to hold your glass in the air towards the server. You may want to bow your head as well. Note that this is most important when the soju is first served. After the first round of drinks, your group may choose to use 1 hand when receiving additional rounds of shots.

3. Turn your head and avoid eye contact 

In traditional Korean culture, showing your teeth can be seen as a sign of disrespect. For this reason, while having your first glass, turn your head away from others. Be sure to hold your glass with both hands and avoid eye contact, it helps to look at your cup. Your first serving of soju should be taken as a shot, rather than sipped.

4. Shoot or sip additional rounds

After the first round of drinks, you can choose whether you want more. Many people choose to shoot them each time, but this isn’t required. If you prefer to sip, do your thing!

5. Make sure no one drinks alone

Under Korean tradition, no one should drink alone. If someone offers to pour you a drink, you should always accept it. In addition, if you pour a drink for someone in your group, they should pour you a drink as well.

Remember that you should never fill your own glass and should always use two hands. While it’s not necessary to enjoy soju this way, it’s always fun to explore a new culture with good company.

What can I mix with soju?

Pouring Soju on a wood table.

While soju is usually served on its own, in the States, it’s commonly used to make cocktails. In fact, there are many flavored versions of soju available that make excellent additions to your drinks.

For a sweet, summery drink, try mixing pineapple soju with pineapple juice and sprite. You can also make a Korean version of an Irish coffee by mixing a cup of freshly brewed coffee with a shot of unflavored soju.

Another delicious option is to make a soju infusion by adding sliced strawberries, lemons, and sugar to a pitcher with ice and soju. Let it sit for 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator and then enjoy this refreshing and flavorful drink.

How much alcohol is in soju?

When deciding whether to drink soju straight or mix it, it’s helpful to know just how strong it is. The alcohol content of commercially made soju can vary significantly, so be sure to check the label.

On average, soju tends to have an alcohol content that ranges between 20% and 24%. However, flavored and diluted soju is often weaker, with an alcohol content in the 12% to 14% range.

Start your soju journey today

Now that you’ve got the basics down, you can venture into the land of soju with confidence and start experimenting with this fun adult beverage. Even better, you can have all your mixology ingredients sent right to your door with Instacart same-day delivery. Just add everything you need to your cart and enjoy your new favorite beverage from the comfort of your own home.



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