Planning & Prep
Refine your routine with tips to get you through the week. Learn about the connection between grocery lists and budgeting, find lunchtime inspo, understand food labels & more.
Planning & Prep
What is Meal Planning and Why is It Important?
Meal planning sounds like a simple habit to get into, and for people who have always done it, it's something that probably comes pretty naturally. Indeed, for habitual meal planners, the idea of not planning out what they and their families are going to eat before visiting the grocery store is probably unnerving. But if you were a habitual meal planner, you wouldn't be reading…
Nov 29, 2022Planning & Prep
Ingredient Weight Chart: Common Food Conversions
It’s no surprise that baking and cooking involve multiple steps — you have to measure each ingredient accurately to ensure the recipe turns out right. While a few extra chocolate chips or a sprinkle of…
Jan 9, 2024Planning & Prep
55 Packed Lunch Ideas for Easy Meals on the Go
While buying lunch out is convenient, packing your lunch has plenty of advantages. You can choose healthy (and still delicious!) foods and save money at the same time. But sometimes it can be hard to…
Aug 25, 2023Planning & Prep
Instacart Business Partner Spotlight: Industrious shares how to make the perfect office charcuterie spread
If there’s one thing Industrious knows, it’s charcuterie. And as part of our new Instacart Business partnership with the famed flexible workspace provider, Industrious is offering expanded and elevated food and beverage experiences to the…
Aug 17, 2023Planning & Prep
How To Clean a Grill Like a Pro
There’s something so refreshing about firing up the grill and cooking your meal out in the fresh air. To ensure your grill is being sanitary, it’s important to keep it clean. As soon as you…
Aug 11, 2023Planning & Prep
How to Cut Aloe Vera Plant Correctly + Easy Tips
Aloe vera is a popular and useful houseplant found in kitchen windows around the world. Inside the succulent leaves of the plant is a clear gel that provides immediate relief for minor burns. That comes in…
Jul 17, 2023Planning & Prep
How to Reheat Pizza Perfectly Every Time
Leftover pizza is delicious, but if you’re like most people, you’ve probably found that reheated slices pale compared to a fresh-out-of-the-oven pie. If you don’t do it right, the pizza can get soggy or dry…
Jun 26, 2023Planning & Prep
Food Serving Size Calculator: How To Determine Food Portions
Portion sizes can be difficult to eyeball, especially when cooking for a group. You never want to run out of food at your table, but you also don't want to be stuck with tons of…
May 16, 2023Planning & Prep
Cooking Measurement Conversion: Simple Cooking Guide
Whether you’re in the mood for some banana bread or you’re prepping for a breakfast potluck, it’s important to use the most accurate measurement for the best results. You may often find yourself in a…
Apr 14, 2023Planning & Prep
Leftover Recipe Generator: How To Use Leftover Food
According to the USDA, over one-third of all available food in the United States goes uneaten due to loss or waste. Food waste can negatively impact the environment due to a rise in methane emissions…
Apr 3, 2023