School Resources
20 Snack Ideas for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Hosting parent-teacher conferences make for an exhausting day, especially for the teachers. Many parent-teacher organizations (PTOs) or parent volunteers provide food to help sustain all attendees of parent-teacher conference days. These ideas will help the teachers and parents remain energetic throughout the entire conference.
Selecting snack ideas for parent-teacher conference days
Consider your school district event rules and the time of the conference when choosing snack ideas. For example, is it feasible to set out heavier appetizers or sandwiches for lunch? Will the event take place in the evening after school?
Think about offering high-protein and energizing snacks like trail mix, protein bars, or iced tea. You don’t want to leave a teacher hungry, so make sure to feed them well!
Light snacks for parent-teacher conferences
Parent-teacher conferences and meetings don’t have to be fueled by just junk food. Suggest that your PTO prepare protein-filled snacks. Make a sign that the cold ones are in the refrigerator:
1. Trail mix
Trail mix is an easy snack to provide. Many varieties combine dried fruit, mixed nuts, and dark chocolate pieces.
2. Protein bars
Protein snack bars make for a hearty, quick bite if there isn’t time to serve much. They taste delicious and will give them the best of energy they need.
3. Baked potato chips
If you’re offering sandwiches, consider offering some individual bags of baked chips. These are easy for everyone to grab and snack on.
4. String cheese
Provide part-skim string cheese sticks as another excellent grab-and-go option.
5. Single-serve yogurts
Pack the teachers’ lounge refrigerator with different flavors of single-serve yogurt. It’s a quick snack that can be eaten while teachers finish conference preparations.
6. Deviled eggs
Store a platter of deviled eggs in the refrigerator. They’re a healthy snack since they are high in protein and gluten-free. Try to make the filling more mustard-friendly, so it’s not drowning in mayo.
Sweet snack ideas for parent-teacher conferences
When choosing your sweet snack ideas, opt for easy, handheld ideas, especially if teachers only get a short break between classes and conferences:
1. Fruit skewers
Serve some fruit skewers, alternating items like diced strawberries, melon cubes, and grapes. If the teachers only get a short break, skewers are an easy handheld snack.
2. Cupcakes
Poll the teachers what their favorite flavors of cupcakes they prefer, and then order different varieties for dessert.
3. Pumpkin roll with cream cheese frosting
Since many conferences are held in the fall, consider baking a pumpkin roll. It’s made out of a homemade pumpkin cake and rolled with cream cheese frosting. Cut into slices for easy serving.
4. Pastries
If your PTO serves mainly coffee and sweets, offer plenty of freshly baked danishes to go with that caffeine. Include a variety so that everyone can select their favorite.
5. Freshly baked cookies
Ask some of the parent volunteers to bake some delicious cookies for dessert. Some popular favorites include oatmeal raisin cookies and chocolate chip cookies.
Meal ideas for parent-teacher conferences
When choosing meal ideas for the parent-teacher conference day, keep it simple. The teachers want something they can grab quickly while finishing last-minute preparations for conferences. They’ll appreciate it even more if it’s delivered to their classroom:
1. Sub sandwiches
Sub sandwiches are always a popular option. You can order several varieties and cut them into smaller segments to make them last longer, ensuring that there’s enough to go around for everyone.
2. Salad bar
Instead of having the salad bar overtake the teacher’s lounge, ask the teachers what they like on their salads. Buy lettuce and other salad fixings and prepare a personalized salad for each teacher.
3. Chili in the crockpot
Suggest that a few parent volunteers prepare homemade soup in their crockpots and bring it to the teacher’s lounge. Prepare one pot with beef and one as a vegetarian option, and place little bowls with toppings like shredded cheese, Fritos, and sour cream nearby.
4. Fresh rolls
Provide several bags of fresh rolls to go with the soup and salad. Check if any of the teachers have a gluten sensitivity so you can provide a gluten-free option.
5. Pasta salad
Offer various side dishes, including a few pasta salads. They will pair well with sandwiches, soups, and other green salads.
6. Party platters
Some teachers prefer not to eat anything heavy, so order some quick-serve deli party platters. This way, they can pile the meat and cheese on the rolls or eat them with crackers.
Beverage ideas for parent-teacher conferences
Provide an array of hot and cold beverages. The teachers need that burst of caffeine throughout the day. Others prefer icy cold water to help them survive. Offer the beverages to the teachers throughout the day, and save some for the parents when they arrive:
1. Bottled Water
Fill the refrigerator with lots of bottled water. It will help keep the teachers hydrated, boost their energy levels and stimulate their brain function on busy conference days.
2. Iced Tea
Provide individual bottles of iced tea in multiple flavors. Iced tea provides caffeine without being as addicting as coffee or pop. It also has health benefits like helping teachers relax before a stressful parent-teacher meeting.
3. Coffee
Coffee is a must-have for some, even when conferences run late. If your school has a Keurig coffee maker, place a wicker basket with various coffee pods next to it. This allows for customized tastes.
How to serve snacks for parent-teacher conferences
When choosing snack ideas for parent-teacher conferences, decide whether you want to serve the food buffet style or make it more personalized. Consider making snack bags to hand out with trail mix, chips, and bottled water in them. Plan your ideas and menu early, and get everything you need for parent-teacher conferences from Instacart!
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