Shopper Community

Introducing New Daily Summary

We’re introducing a new personalized summary, offering a helpful overview of the shopping services you provide with Instacart each day. Within your daily summary, you’ll see your earnings, customer compliments and feedback, and details around the orders you shopped that day. This includes information you may have seen before, such as customer feedback, as well as some new information that will help you learn more about doing your best for your customers.

Some of the new details you’ll see include:

  • Items found: The percentage of items you found for each order and how that compares to the average found at that store location.
  • Replacements: The number of items you replaced. 
  • Chat attempts: Whether or not you attempted to chat with your customer about their replacement. 
  • On-time delivery: If you delivered the order by the time the customer expected it.

Over the past few months, we’ve been testing this summary to make sure it was a helpful representation of the service you provided customers, and adjusting it based on valuable insights from shoppers. The summary should provide even more detailed feedback about your experience on the platform, giving you the opportunity to identify what’s going well and what you may be able to improve for your customers.

Making access to batches fair and reliable

Customer demand and your location continue to be the most important considerations in access to batches. When there are more shoppers than batches on the platform, we’ll also consider other quality factors.

As we continue to evolve and improve access to work, we want to ensure shoppers have the information and tools you need to track your daily customer service.

Thank you for your continued dedication in bringing customers in your community the household essentials they need.



Instacart is the leading grocery technology company in North America, partnering with more than 1,400 national, regional, and local retail banners to deliver from more than 80,000 stores across more than 14,000 cities in North America. To read more Instacart posts, you can browse the company blog or search by keyword using the search bar at the top of the page.

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