Convenience store delivery or pickup in Hollidaysburg, PA
Ready in as little as 30 minutes
Shop your favorite convenience stores for delivery or pickup in Hollidaysburg, PA
Shop what's popular near you
Local favorites in Hollidaysburg, PA
How Instacart convenience store delivery works
Lots of options
Choose what you want
Select items from your favorite convenience stores at or in the app.
Real-time updates
Connect with your shopper
Personal shoppers pick items with care. Chat as they shop and manage your order.
Ready when you are
Get your items same-day
Pick a convenient time for you. Enjoy Instacart's 100% quality guarantee on every order.
Frequently asked questions
It's simple. Using the Instacart app or website, you can shop for snacks, alcohol, and more from a convenience store near you in Hollidaysburg, PA. After you have placed your order, Instacart will connect you with a personal shopper in your area to shop and deliver your order. Contactless delivery is available with our "Leave at my door" option. You can track your order's progress and communicate with your shopper every step of the way using the Instacart app or website.
Learn more about how to place an order here.
Learn more about how to place an order here.
Here's the breakdown on Instacart convenience store delivery cost in Hollidaysburg, PA:
Learn more about Instacart pricing here.
- Delivery fees start at $3.99 for same-day orders over $35. Fees vary for one-hour deliveries, club store deliveries, and deliveries under $35.
- Service fees vary and are subject to change based on factors like location and the number and types of items in your cart. Orders containing alcohol have a separate service fee.
- Tipping is optional (but highly encouraged!) for delivery orders. It's a great way to show your shopper appreciation and recognition for excellent service. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper who delivers your order.
Learn more about Instacart pricing here.
The best part about Instacart is that you can choose when you would like to schedule your delivery. You can get snacks, alcohol, and more delivered in as fast as 30 minutes, or choose a dropoff time for later in the day or week to fit your schedule.
To make sure you get your grocery delivery as scheduled, we recommend:
Learn more about Instacart same-day delivery here.
To make sure you get your grocery delivery as scheduled, we recommend:
- Turning on notifications for the Instacart app
- Keeping an eye out for text messages and phone calls from your Instacart shopper
- Leaving helpful instructions for parking, gate codes, or other clues to find your home.
Learn more about Instacart same-day delivery here.
Instacart convenience store delivery windows in Hollidaysburg, PA, start as early as 9am and run as late as midnight. In some cases, the convenience store delivery window can be available for 24 hours. Check local store hours. Delivery hours are subject to store operating hours, which includes holidays.
Learn more about Instacart same-day delivery here.
Learn more about Instacart same-day delivery here.
Instacart offers convenience delivery from the following convenience stores in Hollidaysburg, PA:
View all retailers available on Instacart.
- MARTIN'S Instant Delivery
- Target: Fast Delivery
- Weis Express
- ALDI Express
- Giant Eagle Fast Delivery
- CVS®
- Walgreens
- Rite Aid® Pharmacy
View all retailers available on Instacart.
Yes! Instacart offers convenience store delivery to apartments in Hollidaysburg, PA. To make sure you get your convenience store delivery as scheduled, we recommend:
- Turning on notifications for the Instacart app
- Keeping an eye out for text messages and phone calls from your Instacart shopper
- Leaving helpful instructions for parking, gate codes, or other clues to find your apartment.
Convenience stores available to shop near you in Hollidaysburg, PA
MARTIN'S Instant Delivery
221 Glimcher Dr Suite A20Duncansville, PA 16635Target: Fast Delivery
153 Sierra Dr Suite A20Altoona, PA 16601Weis Express
275 Park Hill Plaza Suite A20Altoona, PA 16602ALDI Express
1706 McMahon Road Suite A20Altoona, PA 16602Giant Eagle Fast Delivery
510 S Route 36 Suite A20Roaring Spring, PA 16673