Instacart gift card

There’s something for everyone with Instacart gift cards

Instantly send an Instacart gift card to someone special, so they can get groceries, household items, and more delivered from their favorite local stores.
Already have a gift card?

Perfect for any occasion

Support loved ones

Support loved ones

Host a virtual happy hour

Host a virtual happy hour

Congratulate new parents

Congratulate new parents

Give the gift of convenience

  • Shop local stores

    Shop local stores

    From groceries to electronics and household items, Instacart connects you to hundreds of local stores.
  • Save time

    Save time

    Instacart spares you time spent in a store and gives you access to things you need easily and safely with same-day delivery and pick up.
  • Send instantly

    Send instantly

    Once you purchase a gift card, the recipient will receive it in their email in seconds. The best part is, gift cards never expire, so they can take their time browsing their favorite stores.
Spread the love

Spread the love

Purchase gift cards in bulk or in the form of Instacart+ Memberships for your employees, community, or most loyal customers.

Frequently asked questions

With gift cards, you can share Instacart with anyone who has access to Instacart services in their area. If your recipient doesn't have an Instacart account yet, they can create an account for free and then redeem the Instacart gift card from their account.

At this time, Instacart gift cards are only available digitally. You can purchase a gift card by visiting our Instacart gift card page. After purchasing an Instacart gift card, you’ll receive an email confirming your order to the email address you provided at checkout. Your recipient will receive an email letting them know they received an Instacart gift card with instructions on how to redeem it.

Instacart offers three types of gift cards— • "Instacart+ Membership gift cards" can only be applied to Instacart+ membership which offers free delivery and reduced fees on every order • "Instacart gift cards" and "corporate gift cards", which includes bulk orders, cover any of the costs related to an order, such as items, including alcohol and prescriptions, tips, taxes, service fees, and delivery fees. The corporate gift cards portal includes Instacart+ Membership gift cards and Instacart gift cards.

You must add a credit or debit card at checkout to use your gift card, even if the gift card fully covers your total purchase amount. Instacart charges any items added during shopping or after checkout to your gift card. If the order total after adding items exceeds the amount on your gift card, we charge the difference to the credit or debit card you entered at checkout.

When processing orders, we place a temporary authorization hold on your gift card for a slightly higher amount than your estimated order total. This small difference accounts for potential changes in the final total due to special requests, added items, items replaced at a different price, and actual weight of items. If the authorization hold exceeds the amount on your gift card, we charge the difference to the credit or debit card you entered at checkout. Your gift card and/or credit or debit card will only be charged for the total of the items delivered to you.

Yes! With Instacart+, your recipient gets free delivery and reduced fees on every order. You can send an Instacart+ Membership gift card for— • 3 months - $29 • 6 months - $59 • 1 year - $99 An Instacart+ Membership gift card can only be used for redeeming an Instacart+ membership. It can’t be used at checkout for items, tips, taxes, or to cover all fees. For more information on how Instacart+ Membership gift cards work, check out our Help Center.