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Bring a special touch to your dog's meals by adding Purina Beyond Pacific Tuna Recipe With Carrot and Sweet Potato adult wet dog food complement to his regular wet or dry food. Intended as a supplement to your dog's daily diet, this protein-rich complement includes regionally sourced seafood. The high-quality wild-caught tuna comes from fisheries that have been independently certified to meet the MSC's strict standard for sustainability. This meal topper or mixer keeps your pet happy with its combination of real seafood and vegetables. It's simply made and contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. This complement is also free of corn, wheat and soy, and it includes no fillers or poultry by-product meal. Mealtime is a moment to bond with your pet. Make your beloved canine feel special by customizing his meals with this Purina Beyond dog food complement.
Tuna Broth, Tuna, Carrots, Sweet Potato, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Vitamin E, Thiamine.
Serving Suggestion: 1. Gently Swirl Pack To Blend Ingredients. 2. Tear To Open. 3. Pour Into A Bowl And Serve As A Complement To A Balanced Dog Food Diet. Beyond Broths Are Intended For Supplemental Feeding Only. This Product May Be Fed Daily Along With A Complete And Balanced Dog Food Diet. Suggested Daily Feeding: Feed One Pouch Per 15 Lbs Of Body Weight To An Adult Dog Per Day. Not To Exceed 4 Pouches Per Day.
Bring a special touch to your dog's meals by adding Purina Beyond Pacific Tuna Recipe With Carrot and Sweet Potato adult wet dog food complement to his regular wet or dry food. Intended as a supplement to your dog's daily diet, this protein-rich complement includes regionally sourced seafood. The high-quality wild-caught tuna comes from fisheries that have been independently certified to meet the MSC's strict standard for sustainability. This meal topper or mixer keeps your pet happy with its combination of real seafood and vegetables. It's simply made and contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. This complement is also free of corn, wheat and soy, and it includes no fillers or poultry by-product meal. Mealtime is a moment to bond with your pet. Make your beloved canine feel special by customizing his meals with this Purina Beyond dog food complement.
Tuna Broth, Tuna, Carrots, Sweet Potato, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Vitamin E, Thiamine.
Serving Suggestion: 1. Gently Swirl Pack To Blend Ingredients. 2. Tear To Open. 3. Pour Into A Bowl And Serve As A Complement To A Balanced Dog Food Diet. Beyond Broths Are Intended For Supplemental Feeding Only. This Product May Be Fed Daily Along With A Complete And Balanced Dog Food Diet. Suggested Daily Feeding: Feed One Pouch Per 15 Lbs Of Body Weight To An Adult Dog Per Day. Not To Exceed 4 Pouches Per Day.
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Then, when you arrive at the store of your choice, use the Instacart app to notify us. Depending on the store, a shopper or store employee will bring the groceries to your car, or you can pick them up at the designated area.
Learn more about pickup orders here.
- Delivery fees start at $3.99 for same-day orders over $35. Fees vary for one-hour deliveries, club store deliveries, and deliveries under $35.
- Service fees vary and are subject to change based on factors like location and the number and types of items in your cart. Orders containing alcohol have a separate service fee.
- Tipping is optional but encouraged for delivery orders. It's a great way to show your shopper appreciation and recognition for excellent service. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper who delivers your order.
With an optional Instacart+ membership, you can get $0 delivery fee on every order over $35 and lower service fees too.
Instacart pickup cost:
- There may be a "pickup fee" (equivalent to a delivery fee for pickup orders) on your pick up order that is typically $1.99 for non-Instacart+ members. Instacart+ membership waives this like it would a delivery fee.
- Pick up orders have no service fees, regardless of non-Instacart+ or Instacart+ membership.
Learn more about Instacart pricing here.
You can set item and delivery instructions in advance, as well as chat directly with your shopper while they shop and deliver your items. You can tell the shopper to:
- Find Best Match: By default, your shopper will use their best judgement to pick a replacement for your item.
- Pick Specific Replacement: You can pick a specific alternative for the shopper to purchase if your first choice is out-of-stock.
- Don't Replace: For items you'd rather not replace, choose "Don't replace" to get a refund if the item is out of stock.
Learn more about instructions for specific items or replacements here.
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