Instacart promos and coupons
There’s lots of ways to save with Instacart, making the convenience of same-day delivery & pickup easy on your budget.
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How to apply promos and coupons
Follow these steps to redeem a promotion code or gift card. If you received a code from an Instacart retail partner, redeem it on their Powered by Instacart site.Open the Instacart app and tap to reveal the side menu
Tap "Credits, promos & gift cards"
Tap the "Add promo or gift card button"
Enter the promo code and tap "Redeem" to apply to your account
Frequently asked questions
1. Tap the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner
2. Tap Credits, promos, and gift cards
3. Tap Redeem
4. Enter the code and tap Redeem
1. At the top right, click either Account or Hi, [Your Name]
2. Click Add promo or gift card
3. Enter the code and click Redeem
You can’t combine select promotions and/or credits. If you have multiple promotions on your account, the promotion with the earliest expiration date automatically applies at checkout. To apply a different promotion, you’ll need to place another order.
Some promotions don’t require a code. You can add these promotions to your account by clicking the button or link in the email, push notification, in-app banner, or text message you receive. Once activated, the promotion amount automatically applies to your next order(s) at checkout. They can’t be used in combination with another promotion or credit. Any remaining credit goes back to your account for future orders.
These promotions can’t be shared. If you share the promotion, or try to use it on another account, the promotion won’t apply. They are only available for the account associated with the original recipient’s email address.
Once the subtotal of your order meets the order minimum, your promotion only applies to the non-EBT items in your order. If the value of your non-EBT items is less than the promotional amount, the remaining promotional amount goes to your account as credit.
For example, you have $40 of EBT items, $10 of non-EBT items, and a promotion for $20 off your order of $35 or more. Because your order subtotal of $50 meets the $35 order minimum, the promotion applies to the $10 of non-EBT items. Then, the remaining $10 returns to your account as a credit.
Instacart shoppers bring the store to you
Shoppers collect your items, contact you if a replacement is needed, and provide contactless delivery right to your door.Terms & Conditions
*Delivery/pickup subject to availability. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Instacart and/or certain retailers may not be available in all ZIP or postal codes. EBT SNAP available at select FNS-approved retailers. EBT cards may only be used to purchase EBT-eligible items. A credit or debit card must also be linked to your Instacart account to cover delivery and service fees, bottle deposits (in some locations), taxes, and any non-EBT eligible items, if any. Subject to Instacart Terms of Service.